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This document provides basic guidelines for the seminar assignment. This is a reference material to both the students and supervisors on the seminar assignment, which is a partial fulfilment of requirements leading to the Bachelor’s Degree and/or Advanced Diploma in Science.

The seminar assignment will be done individually by students and be submitted for assessment in the manner as described below. The seminar assessment consists of two parts, namely written report (60%) and oral presentation (40%). Students are required to complete these two parts of the seminar in order to register a pass.

This is the main part of the written assignment. The student is required to explore the various topics, concepts or theories covered in the subject areas but related to the title and in accordance with the main headings and sub-headings as submitted under the Seminar Proposal. Proper use of headings and sub-headings are expected. The student should ensure that a sufficient number of viewpoints are covered and in sufficient detail, but within the page limit. In addition to keeping the report clear, simple, easy-to-understand and logical, the student should also show effective use of concepts or theories covered. All diagrams, charts or pictures must be indexed and referred to from the main body.

In order to enhance better understanding of the seminar, the student should as far as possible include all directly relevant materials, figures or diagrams in the main body rather than in the Appendix. This section is reserved only for items which may not directly be relevant or essential to enhance a reader’s understanding of the assignment, or which may interrupt the smooth reading of the assignment (for example, being too voluminous).

Appendices should include only material directly referred to in the writing and should be kept to a minimum, eg selected pages of an annual report, not the entire document.

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