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总之,本文探讨了一些思想政治工作已在会议上提出的方面,我已经解释了我从他们身上学到。本文探讨了提高健康和社会保健医生准备专业实践的信心,思想政治教育的重要性。我讨论了我是如何发现会议,特别是增强了我的信心,与医学生互动,我希望借此进入未来的做法,通过阴影医生。我觉得我的政治可能是由包括患者表作为团队的一部分,因为它们是任何跨专业的团队的核心成员进一步增强。的影响沟通不畅的病人护理也进行了讨论,并考虑在沟通的困难时,专业人员位于不同的基地。从会议上,我已经了解到专业人员的重要性,了解每个人的角色和专业人员的重要性,确保病人是明确的,对每个人的角色。我也学习学习其他专业人士的角色可以提升自己的专业身份和一些专业人士的担忧,他们可能成为具有熟练的跨专业团队工作时。一些专业人士认为影响其实现思想政治工作能力的刻板印象和我讨论我自己的刻板印象的医学生,如何克服这。另外,我了解到有一个共同的目标和理念的团队可以帮助团队达到它的效果,应运用团队技巧所有成员的跨专业的团队最重要的成员提供最高水平的服务,病人。您在MQ学习遇到难题了吗?不要纠结了!马上了解 悉尼论文代写 服务 帮您解决学术ASSIGNMENT难题!


I attended the interprofessional (IP) conference and worked on a table team consisting of 3 adult nurses, 3 medical students, an occupational therapist, a social worker, a midwife and myself (a children’s nurse). This essay will discuss my learning as a result of attending the conference and interacting with the other student professionals. In order to demonstrate my learning from the conference I will discuss why IP learning in education is important. I will discuss what I have learnt about the importance of communication in health and social care, why I have learnt it is important to be aware of the different values, roles and perspectives of other professions and why stereotyping and power imbalance can affect the group working process. The purpose of the conference was to explore interprofessional working (IPW), so it is useful to have an understanding about what this means. IPW involves communicating and interacting with more than two members from different professions in a purposeful way to reach an agreement about goals, plans and evaluations (Barrett and Keeping, 2005).

In conclusion this essay has discussed some of the aspects of IPW which have been raised on the conference and I have explained what I have learnt from them. The essay has discussed the importance of IPE in enhancing the confidence of health and social care practitioners ready for professional practice. I discussed how I found the conference had especially enhanced my confidence in interacting with medical students and how I hope to take this into future practice by shadowing doctors. I felt that my IPE could have been further enhanced by including patients as part of the table team as they are the central member of any interprofessional team. The impact poor communication has on patient care was also discussed and considered in respect of the difficulties in communication when professionals are located at different bases. From the conference I have learnt about the importance of professionals understanding each others roles and the importance of professionals ensuring the patient is clear on everybody’s roles. I also learnt that learning about other professionals roles can enhance your own professional identity and how some professionals posses anxieties that they may become de-skilled when working in interprofessional teams. Some professionals hold stereotypes which affect their ability to achieve IPW and I discussed my own stereotype of medical students and how I overcame this. In addition I learnt that a team having a shared purpose and philosophy can aid the team to meet it’s outcomes, which should be utilising all members of the teams skills to provided the highest level of service to the most important member of the interprofessional team, the patient.