
昆士兰代写assignment Characters And Themes Of Beowulf

He is the main character who is powerful and courageous. He is self confident that he never hesitates to make dare moves against monsters. He is very respectful to the kings including Hygelac and Hrothgar. He responds to King of Dane to help right away and also doesn’t take the throne of the Geats for there was son of Hygelac. He also rules with wisdom and kindness when he becomes a king, and sacrifices himself to slay the dragon.

他是最主要的人物,是强大和勇敢的人。他很自信,他从不犹豫使敢对怪物。海格拉克他是国王Hrothgar很尊重,包括。他对King of Dane的帮助了,也不需要国王的有Hygelac的儿子。当他成为一个国王的时候,他也有智慧和善良的规则,并且牺牲自己去杀死龙。

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Heroic and humane natures of a man

The story is about a great man named Beowulf. The book discusses about his heroic nature in fighting and speaking, along with his humane nature of lamenting and regretting.

Good vs. Evil

The story discusses about good and evil. Author often mentions “Lord Almighty,” and shows how justice always bring end to the evil nature.


End of the Danes’ Glory

There was Shield Sheafson, and a boy-child was born to Shield. His name, Beow, became famous. He was a leader of the fight. When Shield died, people put him into a boat, and gave him a funeral. He had a son named Halfdane. Hrothgar was the son of Halfdane. He also was strong in war. He made a hall named Heorot Hall. Then, there was a demon named Grendel, who was annoyed by the “din of the loud banquet.” He started to disrupt the parties. He grabbed thirty men and made them into butchered corpses. People wept, but no one could stop Grendel from murders. So Grendel ruled for twelve winters, and King Hrothgar was helpless about this monster. All were endangered, causing constant cruelties on people. He took over Heorot. People vowed to idosls and swore oaths for killer of souls. They remembered hell instead of Lord God almighty. The woe however never stopped, and people were driven to terror every day.

Beowulf Showed Up

海格拉克Grendel消息的geatland达到战士。他是一个强大的男人叫贝奥武夫,有一个会帮助丹麦人。老人不想让他走,但检查的征兆,促使他的野心。他带了十四个人和他一起去。时间过去了,战士们带着武器和一条船离开了。大海是平静的,勇士们感谢上帝。一个丹麦人看守人看见卸载作战装备,所以他骑到岸边去挑战他们。贝奥武夫宣布,他是Ecgtheow of Geats的儿子,他想见见Hrothgar。他能帮助战胜敌人的威胁的丹麦人使土地和平。海岸警卫队把男人的道路,来到Heorot。

他们遇到了一个名叫Wulfgar的士兵,文德尔首席智慧、他的心脾气众所周知。贝奥武夫告诉他,他愿意会见Hrothgar和他的跑腿。Wulfgar给了一封信给Hrothgar,和Hrothgar,谁承认贝奥武夫的名字通过他的父亲,ecgtheow,欢迎贝奥武夫。贝奥武夫把自己介绍给Hrothgar,他是如何听到Grendel长老,如何支持他的一切伟大的力量。他宣布他将争取格伦德尔和单人作战决定胜负。他说他刚发回来的乳腺织带Lord Hygelac如果战役打了他。胡鲁斯加回忆Ecgtheow的记忆和他如何承认Hrothgar的忠诚。Grendel现在是进攻他国,杀了所有的人。他先把杀盛宴在Heorot。
