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The Wiccan Rede and the Three Fold Law are a big part of the Wiccan beliefs. The Wiccan Rede states “you are free to do what you want as long as it does no harm.” Harm is considered anything that “manipulates, dominates, attempts to control, injure, or harms in any other way”. The Three Fold Law says that any harm or good that is done will return three times worse. These two major beliefs prevent wiccans from doing any harm.

The Deities are another main part of the Wiccan religion. Most wiccans believe that there is a creative force existing in the universe. This force is generally referred too as “the One” or “the All”. There are two aspects of the all, the Goddess and the God. The Goddess is considered to be the female aspect and the God is considered the male aspect of the all. They both however can have feminine and masculine characteristics. The All is also considered to be imminent in the world and not just “out there”.

Wiccans also regard various other gods and goddesses of pagan religions. Some examples are Pam, Athena, Diana, Bright, Zeus, and Odin. These gods and goddesses represent different characteristics of the God and Goddess. The names that people call the “All” also vary on locality and personal preference. “Men worship their gods under whatever form seems intelligible to them” is quoted by…, this is very true even in the Wiccan religion. The God and Goddess are also worshiped in many different forms. An example is someone who never had a mother could worship the goddess as a motherly figure, but someone who had a mother could worship the goddess as a friendly figure. The God is mostly called “Cernunnos” which simply means “the Horned One”.

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