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戴维斯和埃里森(1999)认为,各种数据收集技术应该被用来建立一个平衡的观点,该组织的战略地位。出于这个原因,我的主要研究方法涉及使用详细的问卷分发给所有的教学人员以及后续焦点小组会议。这些调查方法的目的是更好地服务于研究的目的。梅隆(1990,pg.49)指出,主要要解决的问题是:“谁会有你需要的信息和谁访问”?正如巴顿(1990,pg.45),“其中的重点是个人,归纳的方法从个体经验的人”。这种多方法的方法允许三角剖分,在研究中使用不同的数据收集方法,以确保它是尽可能充分和平衡,尽可能在较短的时间尺度。 一种混合方法的方法决定,通过问卷调查,确定分布式领导的相关问题,以便这些问题可以更详细地检查在焦点小组。


Davies and Ellison (1999) argue that a variety of data-gathering techniques should be used to develop a balanced view of the organization’s strategic position. For this reason, my main research methodologies involved the use of a detailed questionnaire distributed to all teaching staff as well as a follow-up focus group meeting. These methods of investigation have designed with the purpose of better serving the objectives of the research. Mellon (1990, pg.49) states that the two main questions to be addressed were: “who might have the information you need and who is accessible”? As highlighted by Patton (1990, pg.45), “where the focus is on individuals, an inductive approach begins with the individual experiences of those individuals”. This multi-method approach allowed for triangulation, using different methods of data collection within the study to ensure that it is as full and balanced as is possible within the relatively short time scale.A mixed-method approach was decided on, through which a questionnaire would identify relevant issues on distributed leadership in order that these issues could be examined in more detail in focus groups.