

乌鲁克人对吉尔伽美什的治疗感到困惑,并向众神祈祷。阿鲁鲁派了一个名叫恩基杜的野人,他和吉尔伽美什有着同样的力量。他被派去安抚吉尔伽美什,使乌鲁克的人民能有更多的和平。吉尔伽美什和恩基杜最后打起了战,但后来成为了好朋友,一起经历了许多伟大的冒险。Enkidu和Gilgamesh参与了一场他们杀死了天牛的战斗。众神相遇并意识到必须有人为这一罪行买单;他们决定Enkidu应该付出代价,他在死前的12天里忍受了痛苦。这让吉尔伽美什很痛苦,他终于学会了失去的感觉。吉尔伽美什在处理他最好的朋友的损失时经历了一段艰难的时期,他决定,除非他获得永生,否则他不能再活下去。然后,吉尔伽美什转向一位名叫乌坦皮提姆的圣人,他描述了一个史诗般的洪水的故事。这场洪水与基督教圣经中的洪水是密切相关的。Utanapishtim建造了一艘巨大的船并携带了其中的两种动物。上帝非常生气,因为有人让Utanapishtim知道了洪水。Enlil决定让Utanapishtim和他的妻子完全永生。然后,Utanapishtim向吉尔伽美什讲述了一个只在大海下生长的多刺植物。然后,吉尔伽美什开始寻找这种植物,并最终找到它并把它带回地面。后来,这株植物被一条蛇从吉尔伽美什偷走,它吃掉了植物,然后蜕去皮。在这里,吉尔伽美什意识到,死亡并不是一种逃避(法律18 – 34)。他发现名望是一种永生的感觉,他的故事和精髓将永远长存(泰勒)。


The people of Uruk were troubled with Gilgamesh’s treatment and prayed to the Gods. Aruru sent a wild man named Enkidu who had the same strength as Gilgamesh. He was sent to calm Gilgamesh down so the people of Uruk could have a little more peace. Gilgamesh and Enkidu end up fighting, but afterwards become great friends and have many great adventures together. Enkidu and Gilgamesh were involved in a battle where they killed the Bull of Heaven. The gods met and realized that somebody had to pay for this crime; they decided Enkidu should pay the price and he suffered for 12 days before dying. This caused Gilgamesh a lot of pain and he finally learns the feeling of loss. Gilgamesh has a rough time dealing with the loss of his best friend and decides that he can not live any longer unless he is granted immortality. Gilgamesh then turns to a sage named Utanapishtim who describes a story of an epic flood. This flood is closely related to the flood in the Christian bible. Utanapishtim builds a great boat and carries two of every animal in it. The god Enlil was very angry because someone let Utanapishtim know about the flood. Enlil decided to grant Utanapishtim and his wife complete immortality. Utanapishtim then tells Gilgamesh about a thorny plant that only grows beneath the great sea. Gilgamesh then goes on a search for this plant and eventually finds it and takes it back to the surface. The plant was later stolen from Gilgamesh by a serpent that ate the plant and then shed its skin. This is where Gilgamesh realizes that there is not an escape from death (Lawall18-34). He discovers that fame is a sense of immortality, his story and essence will live on forever (Taylor).
