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To further show how the harm principle, the harm test, and legal moralism combined can justify state interference, the censorship and regulation of pornographic content will be brought into question. Pornographic content such as videos, pictures and audio are known to be of conflict between public morality and individual interest. Porn, in its intended state would be a question of morality before it’s a question of legality. If both parties in pornographic content are consensual then physical harm is deemed irrelevant and under the harm principle pornography cannot be censored. But the aspect of consent is often based on assumption, this is pointed out by Lori Gruen when she wrote, “Women’s protests or refusals are not recognized as legitimate” (165), she explains that even in the act of a woman saying “no” it’s often portrayed as “sexual-language” (165) and not a denial or retraction of consent to the participation in sexually explicit activities. Unless consent is put as a disclaimer before the sexual acts are shown on screen, there is no way to truly know which parties have or haven’t agreed to all the acts that will be filmed and produced. But consent is unfortunately a question of morals, not harm, “moralism cannot override the value of liberty” (Gruen,159). This is where the theory of legal moralism falls short, the sheer aspect of indecency could not justify the interference from the state that would allow censorship and regulation or pornography. And, Mills harm principle would only be applicable in the case of nonconsensual physical harm caused to women through the portrayal of male superiority in physical dominance.