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Cost leadership is the other aspect of differentiation strategy. This strategy focuses on availing the product to the consumers at the lowest cost possible. This is achieved when the industry manages to minimize the costs it incurs during manufacturing of the product. The Coca-Cola Company have been using branding and cost leadership strategies to ensure they succeed in the ever competitive global market. This has affected the consumer’s view of the company’s product and especially united states where they view the company as their own, traditional, friendly and patriotic. This makes the company sell more of its product in the country. The differentiation strategies used by Coca-Cola Company has made it achieve success unknown by other companies and especially through branding its products.The major challenge that Coca-Cola faces is the competition it gets from the other brands such as Pepsi. Most of the consumers in the United States prefer Pepsi over Coke. Since Coca-Cola knows this and nothing much can be done, it has decided to develop defensive strategies for its product at the same time ensuring it retains existing consumers as well as maintaining their purchasing frequency. This may make the Coca-Cola Company consider developing another different brand image .