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关于我个人和职业生活中有效的学习技巧,现在我知道我应该改善我的生活,我的学习或者我的音乐技巧。之前,在我的研究,我有点失去了当考试临近,它通常发生在我困惑于什么优先次序和什么最后离开,但现在我得到了这个级别的知道优先的最重要的事情后,确定他们。同样的事情在我的生活中的研究和在我的职业生活,现在我可以确定我可以提高在未来作出更好的歌曲,我自己可以提高我的个人生活和我的学生得到最好的结果,最终,现在我知道我想做什么,我想以后,如何让我的目标。 在我的职业生涯中,我也使用我所知道的团队工作的技巧,知道我的工作包括作曲和制作歌曲,在唱片上签上它们,然后尽可能地从他们那里获取利润,即使广告是唱片公司的主要工作。而且,它对我的个人生活起着至关重要的作用。正如我在开始时所说的,在开始上课之前,团队工作首先由我们的父母和我们的社会教授,但是不管我们从中学到什么水平,学校都会教给我们更多关于他们的知识。我们在家里工作,我们在团队里打球,在学校和大学里,我们为一些项目工作,给我们的研究团队或准备我们的考试,我们大多是团队工作。团队团结在一起每个人都实现更多。在团队中工作是必不可少的,无论是为自己或他人的公司工作,这些技能主要是在项目工作中分享任务和想法,这种技术比单独工作更有效。


On what concerns the effective learning skills on my personal and professional life, now I can know what I should improve on my life, on my studies or on my musical skills. Before, on my studies, I was kind of lost when the exams were approaching, it usually happened to me to be confused on what to prioritize and what to leave for the last, but now I got this level of knowing prioritizing the most important things after identifying them. Same thing on my life out of studies and on my professional life as well, now I can identify on what I could improve to make better songs in the future, I can manage myself to improve my personal and my student life to get best results, and eventually, now I know what I want to be, what I want to be later on, and how to get my goal. On my professional life, I also use the skills I learned about the team working knowing that my job consists on composing and producing songs, sign them on record labels then advertising them as much as possible to get profit out of them, even if advertising is the main work of the record labels. Also, it plays a vital role on my personal life. As I said at the beginning, team working is taught by our parents and our society at the first before starting classes, but whatever is the level that we get from these lasts, the school teaches us more about them. We work in teams at home, we play sport in teams and also at the school and the university we work for some projects given for our studies in teams or either preparing for our exams we mostly work in teams. TEAM stands for Together Everyone Achieves More. Working in teams is essential on the business life, either working for our own or others’ companies, these skills consist mainly on sharing tasks and ideas in a project work, and this technique is more efficient than working alone.