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有研究表明,领导是在学校成功的最重要因素之一(经合组织2008,雷斯伍德和Riehl 2003)。领导是有效的员工和学生有更好的激励,人们知道是怎么回事,因为沟通清晰和频繁,每个人都觉得他们齐心协力,致力于共同的目标(一天,Sammons等人2007)。分布式领导是当前教育话语中突出的一种领导形式。 分布式领导的思想已经存在了近三年。Murgatroyd和雷诺兹(1984)强调“领导可以发生在应对各种情况下的各种水平并不一定依赖于正式组织的作用,占有”(法律和格洛弗2003他引)。这个概念结合了思想,如教师一起工作的团队和教师在学校承担各种责任。在积极的一面,它被认为是有益的教学和学习的学校,如果教师讨论他们的做法与同事,给予和接受批评他们的工作,并开放学习彼此。


Research has shown that leadership is one of the most important factors in making a school successful (OECD 2008, Leithwood and Riehl 2003). Where leadership is effective staff and pupils are better motivated, people know what is going on because communications are clear and frequent, and everyone feels they are pulling together and working towards shared goals (Day, Sammons et al 2007). Distributed leadership is one form of leadership that is prominent in the current educational discourse.The idea of distributed leadership has been in existence for almost three decades. Murgatroyd and Reynolds (1984) stressed that “leadership can occur at a variety of levels in response to a variety of situations and is not necessarily tied to possession of a formal organisational role” (cited in Law and Glover 2003 p.37). This concept incorporates ideas such as teachers working together in teams and teachers taking a variety of responsibilities within the school. On the positive side, it was considered beneficial to teaching and learning within schools if teachers discussed their practice with colleagues, gave and accepted critiques of their work and were open to learning from each other.