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This research aims to explore consumer perception of consumer generated media. To do this some background research on customer generated media was carried using secondary sources of data such as internet; scholarly journals, working papers and user generated media such as YouTube etch were used. Firstly the paper explains the nature of customer generated media and what it involves. Secondly an exploratory primary research using qualitative research method has been carried out. This is and qualitative investigation to understand how consumer generated media is used and how it influences consumers buying/purchasing decision. About 3 semi-structured interviews by means of questionnaires was carried out in the city of Leicester in UK. The results showed how consumers used the content on user generated media before buying products and services. Although it didn’t give a clear indication that content on these sites directly led people to buy or purchase product/services. However there was some evident that consumer does depend on these sites for knowing other people opinion on certain product and service. This could encourage marketing companies to carry out their advertising and marketing campaigns in conjunction with or giving importance user/consumer generated websites.

Consumer generated Media includes various sources of information available on the web that are initiated, created , circulated and used by the user/consumers with the intension of spreading information and knowledge about products, services, brands and other issues. With ever increasing number of online user fast approaching 1.5 billion, internet has become very important marketing and communicating tool (Internet world stats 2008). Internet users are encouraged to rate and review all kind of services and products, which has given rise to a new form of electronic word of mouth (Hening-Thurau et al, 2004). Words such as online discussions, reviews, ratings, blogs, facebook, MySpace, etc is not unfamiliar to many people. There is increasing popularity of these consumer generated media thus it’s important to understand the consumer perception of customer-generated media, the current developments and the influence of such media in customers buying decision. Since all this affect the market it’s vital to understand the implication of the customer generated media for marketers. Qualitative research, with help of three face-to face semi structured interview by means of questionnaires was carried in the city of Leicester, England. Accordingly, semi structured questionnaires were designed in English language and the interviews were recorded and tape was transcribed. Finally the interviews were analysed using content analysis to understand the influence of CGM on consumers buying decision.

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