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“政治/法律/监管环境可以简单地描述为企业必须遵守的法律法规,以确保企业主不会因为不遵守某些规定而被捕或被罚款。”“2006年的政治/法律/监管环境”在澳大利亚,咖啡行业制定了许多规章制度,比如公平贸易证书和雨林联盟。“公平贸易认证”是另一种营销体系,旨在为处于不利地位的农民提供产品的保证价格,而雨林联盟关注的是农场如何管理,而不是产品如何交易。(可持续咖啡和。)为了让Gloria Jeans走向全球,Gloria Jean的管理团队应该根据Gloria Jeans在不同国家买卖咖啡的不同法律情况,如税收政策、关税、贸易限制等,制定相应的策略。总而言之,“众所周知,一般环境是不可忽视的”(弗拉纳根和诺曼1993,55)。因为在大多数情况下,公司或个人没有控制的能力,而且一般环境的变化可能随时剧烈或缓慢,有些对我们有利,有些对我们不利。因此,必须注意评估每个环境,使它们能够分析和意识到任何变化,从而将风险降到最低。然而,由于一般环境如何影响Gloria牛仔裤尚不清楚,必须进行进一步的分析,以帮助Gloria牛仔裤了解行业和市场。


‘The Political / Legal / Regulatory Environment can be simply described as the laws and regulations that business has to follow in order to make sure the business owners do not get arrested, or have the business fined for noncompliance of some regulation.’(The Political / Legal / Regulatory Environment 2006) In Australia there are many rules and regulations that were created for the coffee industry, such as the Fair Trade Certificate and the Rainforest Alliance. Where the ‘Fair Trade certification is an alternative marketing system designed to give the disadvantaged farmers guaranteed prices for their product while The Rainforest alliance focuses on how farms are managed rather than how products are traded.’ (Sustainable Coffee nd.). In order for Gloria Jeans to go global, Gloria Jean’s management team should formulate their strategy based on the different legal situations in different countries where Gloria Jeans buys and sells their coffee such as the tax policies, tariffs and trade restriction.In conclusion, ‘it is well understood that general environment may not be ignored’(Flanagan and Norman 1993, 55). Since in most cases, company or individual do not have the ability to control and the shift in general environments may change anytime drastically or slowly, some to our advantage or some to our disadvantage. Therefore attention must be given to evaluate each of the environments to enable them to analyze and be aware of any changes to minimize risk. However because it is unclear how the general environment impacts Gloria Jeans further analysis have to be done to assist Gloria Jeans in understanding the industry and the market.