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Elementary education that is poor leads to the creation of negative effects on the learners. For instance, elementary education determines the growth and development of various aspects of a child in regard to the society. Therefore, poor elementary education forms the foundation in which children develop bad habits and behaviors, poor habits of studying, as well as poor academic excellence. Therefore, Having poor quality of primary education or the absence of it leads to high levels of illiteracy such that people who work in factories, ministries, farms and hospitals are not efficient due to lack of the appropriate skills and knowledge. Consequently, elementary education is the most crucial step that children take in their educational career since it is helpful during children’s formative development. It shapes them into learners, thinkers and social beings. Elementary schools give children opportunities to release their surplus energies through activities and play, create avenues for creativity development and gives outlets for emotions. These institutions also enable children to meet peers and adults who assist them in verbalizing and cultivating the ideas and imaginations that go through their developing minds .Elementary education forms the basis through which the material that children learn paves way for high school and college material. Usually, the skills, attitudes and knowledge that children gain in elementary schools provide a foundation for success in the future. The majority of student remain unexposed to higher learning , as well careers because they grow in environments where majority of people lack professional careers or college degree. Therefore, the adults who handle children in elementary schools serve as the first exposures of people who have attended college and have a career, hence, offer children with advice in education and career options. Furthermore, some of the elementary schools have counselor who serve as managers in handling cases. They are trained to assist children in three major domains: academic excellence, social/personal development and career selection