

其次是新工党政府,选举有结果前所未有的和重组经济(宝蓝,格里高利&希恩2001)结束危机,新的民选政府提出价格和收入协议是协议的一部分由工会和保证工业和平与交流保证工资限制和政府保护实际工资的方式,提高社会工资。所有的商业代表都将被咨询,工会运动,特别是经济、税收和社会问题。在工党赢得选举之后,这些协议成为政府未来十年的结构。有一种更密切的方法来监控物价和所有工作场所和工会,他们试图把工资提高到最高商定的工资标准之外(Bagguley 1995)。在工资政策方面,政府能够调整商业税收政策。法定税率在1983年降至46%,1996年降至36%。在企业所得税中应用的规则的变化对有效税率和企业所得税的下降产生了很大的影响。1986年晚些时候,引入了附加福利税和资本利得税(Card & DiNardo 2002)。这些都是试图降低收入不平等程度的重要措施。在高收入人群中征收的个人所得税有两个关键的方面。此外,政府还必须实行股利截肢,以降低股利所得税,这是一项对富人有利的重大改革。在过去的几年里,企业用来支付公司所得税,股息支付给股东,他们被期望对他们纳税.


this was followed by election of new labor government, and there were results of unprecedented and restructured economy (Borland, Gregory & Sheehan 2001) To end the crisis, the new elected government has to propose Prices and Income Accord that was part of agreement set by trade unions and guaranteed an industrial peace and wage restraints in exchange of guarantee and the government way of protecting the real wages and improve the social wage. All business representative were to be consulted and the trade unions movements especially on economic, tax and social issues. After the Labor won the election, the agreements become the structure of the government for the next one decade. There were a closer ways of monitoring the prices and all the workplace and unions that attempted to increase the wages beyond the maximum agreed rate was highly disciplined (Bagguley 1995). Along the wage policies, the government was able to restructure the business taxation policies. The statutory tax rates were reduced in year 1983 to 46 per cent and in year 1996 to 36 percent. Changes in the rules that were applied in corporate tax caused a great impact on the effective rate and corporate tax decline. Later in year 1986, the fringe benefits tax and the capital gain tax were introduced (Card & DiNardo 2002). These were some of the crucial measures that tried to reduce the income inequality level. The personal taxes that were charged in the higher income individual were cut in two crucial ways. As well, the government has to introduce dividend amputation that tried to reduce the income tax on share dividend a significant reform that benefited wealthy individuals. In the history years, business used to pay for company tax, and dividends were paid to shareholders and they were expected to pay tax on them
