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许多新的大学意味着更多和更重的护理教育的责任。这是一个全球公认的事实,护士教育本身在内部有并发症,并且正在经历从20世纪80年代中期以来的重大变化。马来西亚也不例外。 (我不知道这句话)正如Nafsiah(2006)所说的,在世界的大部分地区,护理教育已经发展到高等教育,马来西亚的护理教育不可避免地将朝着相同的方向前进以确保护理毕业生准备在快速变化的医疗保健系统中工作,其中质量和生产力的期望越来越高。

这种变化包括将本科生制剂从医院基础课程转移到第三产业的更正式学习以及随后的研究生学位和临床专业化的增长。 Spouse(2001)说,证据表明,基于传统学徒制模式的行为主义教育方法与基于证据的实践不一致,可能不再符合“最佳”实践。



Many new colleges meant more and heavier responsibilities for the nursing education. It is a globally known fact that nursing education itself has complications internally and is experiencing significant changes since the mid 1980s. Malaysia is therefore no exception. (I don’t 8nderstand this sentence) As what had been stated by Nafsiah (2006), in most parts of the world, nursing education has progressed to higher education and it was inevitable that nursing education in Malaysia would head in the same direction in order to ensure that nursing graduates are prepared to work in the fast-changing healthcare system where expectations in terms of quality and productivity are ever higher.

The change including transfer of undergraduate preparations from hospital based programme to more formal learning in the tertiary sector and later growth in postgraduate degrees and clinical specialization. Spouse (2001) said evidence suggested that behaviorist educational approaches grounded in traditional apprenticeships models are incongruent with evidence-based practice and may not conform to ‘best’ practices anymore.

Birchenall (1999) suggests that learning and teaching within the traditional university classroom would diminish to give way to teaching in the practice setting. Regardless of programme changes, the clinical learning environment remains the single most important resource in the development of competent, capable, caring nurses (Ousey, 2000).