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新的赠款使GPE在2018年批准的资金总额超过4.3亿美元,用于改善40多个发展中国家和地区的儿童教育,其中许多国家和地区正在冲突和危机中挣扎。生活在受冲突影响国家的儿童失去受教育机会的风险要大得多,尤其是女童,她们的处境更为不利,辍学的可能性也更大。GPE的重点是让最弱势的儿童进入学校接受优质教育。总体而言,GPE的资金有60%以上用于支持受脆弱性和冲突影响国家的儿童教育。“这些GPE伙伴国家都经历了长期的冲突和不稳定,极大地影响了儿童的学习机会,”GPE董事会主席、澳大利亚前总理朱莉娅•吉拉德(Julia Gillard)说。“教育阿富汗、缅甸和南苏丹的儿童对这些国家的长期繁荣、和平与稳定至关重要。全球教育伙伴关系首席执行官爱丽丝·奥尔布赖特说:“全球教育伙伴关系将其投资导向最弱势和最边缘化儿童的需要,努力确保不让任何儿童掉队,无论他们的情况如何。”“GPE汇集了合作伙伴的集体力量和资源,与合作伙伴政府合作,改善教育的提供方式。


The new grants bring the total funding approved by GPE in 2018 to over US$430 million to improve children’s education in more than 40 developing countries and regions, many struggling with conflict and crisis.Children living in conflict-affected countries are at far greater risk of missing out on education, especially girls, who are more disadvantaged and more likely to drop out of school.GPE focuses on getting the most vulnerable children into school for a quality education. Overall, more than 60 percent of GPE’s funding supports children’s education in countries affected by fragility and conflict.“These GPE partner countries have each suffered prolonged periods of conflict and instability, drastically impacting children’s chances to learn,” said Julia Gillard, GPE Board Chair and former Prime Minister of Australia. “Educating children in Afghanistan, Myanmar and South Sudan is critical to their countries’ long-term prosperity, peace and stability.”“GPE directs its investments to the needs of the most disadvantaged and marginalized children, working to ensure that no child is left behind, regardless of their circumstances,” said Alice Albright, Chief Executive Officer of the Global Partnership for Education. “GPE brings together the collective strength of its partners and its resources to work with partner governments to improve how education is delivered.”
