
澳洲教育学assignment代写 学校评估系统

在宾夕法尼亚州,幼儿园和12年级之间有两个主要的全州考试。第一个评估是PSSA或宾夕法尼亚学校评估系统,这是一个以标准为基础的评估,向学生、家长和教育者提供与学术标准(PA)熟练程度相关的学生和学校表现。三年级到八年级的学生要参加英语和数学考试,四年级和八年级的学生还要参加科学考试。这个测试也帮助学校和地区改善学术教学。第二种评估是Keystone考试,这是文学、生物和代数1课程的期末评估(Murphy)。这些考试旨在帮助达到宾夕法尼亚州的标准,因此将为更多科目创建其他考试(PA)。为了回应学生、家长和老师的关注,这两项考试都在改进。州长汤姆·沃尔夫(Tom Wolf)改进了PSSA,将测试期从三周缩短为两周,并在今年晚些时候进行。给学生额外的两周学习时间(州长)。沃尔夫还将Keystone考试作为毕业要求推迟到2021-2022学年。让学区有机会找到其他方法来帮助学生在不参加考试的情况下展示熟练程度。Keystone考试并不是学生展示熟练程度和为高中毕业做好准备的唯一途径。职业和技术教育的学生可以使用替代途径,因为众议院法案202,也被称为法案6 (PA)。考试和考试是帮助促进公平和学习、衡量每个人的进步和进步的工具(美国)。这就是为什么布什总统制定了旨在提高美国学生成绩的《不让一个孩子掉队法案》(艾森伯格)。该法案还强调增加对贫困学区的资助,以及提高成绩和学校问责的新方法。重复的课程帮助学生熟悉评估本质上准备他们参加考试。这些课程也帮助他们将相关信息和考试技巧应用到其他考试中。标准化接收到的数据可以帮助教师规划和调整他们的个人课程。文件可以提供评估任何潜在影响的测试分数可能有(艾森伯格)。标准化考试还有助于确保学生成为信息和思想的有效使用者(艾森伯格)。如果没有标准化考试,学生的家庭将无法知道,尽管他们的孩子可能是一个固绩点的学生,但他们明显缺乏一项特定的基本技能(Almagor)。

澳洲教育学assignment代写 学校评估系统

In Pennsylvania, there are two main statewide tests that are taken between the grades kindergarten and twelfth. The first assessment is the PSSA or Pennsylvania System of School Assessment, which is a standards-based assessment that provides students, parents, and educators of student and school performance related to the proficiency of the academic standards (PA). Grades three through eight are assessed in English and Math, while grades four and eight are also tested in science. This test also helps the schools and districts improve academic instruction. The second assessment is the Keystone Exams, which are an end-of-course assessment in literature, biology, and algebra 1 (Murphy). These exams are intended to help meet Pennsylvania state standards, so other exams will be created for more subjects (PA). Both exams are being improved upon to respond to concerns of students, parents, and teachers. Governor Tom Wolf improved the PSSA by condensing the testing period from three to two weeks and taken later in the year. Giving students an extra two weeks to learn (Governor). Wolf also delayed the Keystone Exams as a graduation requirement, delaying this requirement until the school year of 2021-2022. Giving the school districts the opportunity to find other ways to help students show proficiency without taking a test. The Keystone Exams are not the only way for students to demonstrate proficiency and readiness for high school graduation. Students in career and technology education can use alternative pathway because of House Bill 202, also known as Act 6 (PA). Tests and exams are tools to help promote equity and learning, measuring progress and improvement for everyone (U.S.). This being the reason why President Bush created the No Child Left Behind act, which was designed to improve student achievement in the United States (Eisenburg). The act also emphasizes on increased funds for poor school districts, as well as higher achievements, and new ways for accountability of schools. The repeated lessons help a student become familiar with the assessment essentially preparing them to take the exam. The lessons also help them apply relevant information and test taking skills toward other tests. The data received by standardized can help teachers plan and adjust their personal curriculum. The documentation can provide an assessment for any potential impact the test scores could have (Eisenburg). The standardized testing can also help ensure students are becoming effective users of information and ideas (Eisenburg). Without standardized testing students’ families would have no way of knowing that although their child maybe a solid-GPA student they are significantly lacking in a specific basic skill (Almagor).

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