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这一理论是由Cesare Lombroso提出的,他从对罪犯进行尸检的实验开始,并宣称他在罪犯的身体生理结构中发现了相似之处。他认为罪犯生来就具有较差的可察觉的生理差异。他们包括前额的后退,相似的身高,形状和大小。他概括了这些人的14个相似特征。他们的一些特征是异常的高或矮,小脑袋,大脸,薄上嘴唇,头部隆起,纹身,浓密的眉毛,大眼窝,以及其他特征。犯罪人类学这个术语是由隆布罗索创造的。他的主要目的是定位犯罪的人,并把它完全从他们的周围。他被称为犯罪学实证学派的创始人,这是众多犯罪学理论之一。这是一个罪犯定性分析的领域,直到今天还在使用,它是基于对犯罪性质和罪犯的性格或外貌之间的联系的感知。犯罪人类学一词是隆布洛索在19世纪末创造的。所有这些犯罪学的进步都源于进化论之父查尔斯·达尔文。他是所有犯罪学理论的原因,也是凯撒·隆布洛索臭名昭著的原因。如果没有他的进化理论,我们在犯罪侧写方面取得的进步,以及经典理论和破窗理论就不会出现在今天。查尔斯·达尔文在犯罪学的创造中发挥了巨大的作用,并将继续这样做。如果没有达尔文,我们就不会有今天这样先进的刑事司法体系。


The theory, brought out by Cesare Lombroso started with the experimentation of performing autopsies on criminals and declaring he had found similarities between physiologies of their bodies. He thought that criminals were born with inferior detectible physiological differences. They involved receding foreheads, similar height, and shape and size. He outlined fourteen characteristics that were similar amongst these people. Some of the features were that they were unusually tall or short, small head, large face, thin upper lips, bumps on the head, tattoos, bushy eyebrows, large eye sockets, among other characteristics. The term criminal anthropology was coined by Lombroso. His main purpose was to locate the crime within the person and remove it completely from their surroundings. He is known as the founder of the Positivist school of criminology, one of the many criminological theories. It is a field of offender profiling, which is still used today, based on the perceived links between a crime’s nature and the personality or appearance of the offender. The term criminal anthropology was coined by Lombroso in the late 19th Century.All these advancements in criminology all stem from Charles Darwin, father of the evolutionary theory. He is the reason for all the criminological theories, as well as the notoriety of Cesare Lombroso. If it weren’t for his evolutionary theory, the advancements we have in criminal profiling, and theories like the Classical theory and Broken Windows theory would not be here today. Charles Darwin played a huge part in the creation of criminology and continues to do so. If it weren’t for Darwin, we would not be as advanced as we are today in the criminal justice system.