站点图标 澳洲论文代写




When assessing speaking and listening we need to be clear about what is being assessed. It is not the accent or dialect that is being assessed, the length of the contribution. But it is the effectiveness of their talk, including adaptation to purpose, context and audience; a contribution that shows positive and flexible work in groups; a contribution that builds on that of others. This is important to note especially with EAL children as the accent and dialect would be different but this is not what we are aiming to look at to be able to assess them appropriately.using appropriate mathematical language in maths can be made through the use of bilingual strategies. Speaking and listening skills are ¿½crucial to the development of a child¿½s strategies for learning mathematics, a process in which language is a vital element¿½ (Williams, 2008:78). Mathematics has a range of specific vocabulary, which any child may not use or hear frequently in their home environment. As a result of developing speaking and listening skills in literacy, an EAL learner can also progress in maths sessions.