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Academic dishonesty occurs usually in many forms: cheating, recycling, fabrication, unauthorized collaboration and plagiarism. These may be accomplished by submitting someone’s work acting as own work, or using unauthorized sources that not allow in exams or assignments. It is important that students should become familiar with what is academic dishonesty and how to avoid it.Cheating is one of the high level academic dishonesty forms. These actions are considered cheating: using unauthorized sources on tests, copying from other students’ assignments or allowing your work to be copy, stealing assignments, test, or projects before tests, or using electronic device when taking tests. Fabrication is just making things up. According to Penn university academic integrity, fabrication is manufacturing sources, information, quotes, or anything else has no place in articles or papers based on analysis, reporting, or a research.Submitting own work which has been graded and submitting again for another courses called recycling. But some instructors may allow using as long as students did themselves, students must not assume that it’s acceptable process. If student want to reuse a same assignment discuss with professor. If professor give permission to use it than revise assignment and check sources and citation, or not using it at all. Unauthorized collaboration is working with partner without permission of instructor and submitted for a grade. In computer science class, students are allowed to discuss projects concepts, but code has to be their own. If students work together and submitted same code separately than it will consider as plagiarism. They have to create their own code if a concept is same that’s fine.