

让我们看看在摄影这两类是什么;关键概念,David Bate描述了纪实摄影“用图片讲故事,纪实摄影带来了新的生活和社会功能,纪录片以一种非正式的方式在人们的日常生活,其他的普通人”Â大怒,(2009、P45)。这是流行的练习第一次世界大战后,开始通过第二十个世纪的发展,在第一次世界大战的恐怖,越来越多的摄影师去拍摄日常事件发生在正常的日常生活的人走在街上,这样的社会纪实作品就与人承接的项目的基础上经过在战争的影响和如何改变日常人们的生活的生活永远主宰第二十世纪早期,一个这样的例子是1972偶然的凝固汽油弹攻击在越南战争中,一个最再现图像的时候,Robert Haeberle的“人要被枪毙”,克拉克将其描述为“一个匿名的战争机器雨下的凝固汽油弹’意外’我纯真的孩子但是这样的叙事无法阻挡我们的存在强烈的痛苦”,克拉克(1997,P160)看这张照片,请读者觉得这些孩子的情感经历,尖叫,哭泣和悲伤,但摄影师想请读者明白,虽然我们可以看到视觉上的事件是多么的可怕,没有什么更可怕的不是无辜者的经历,摄影师Robert Haeberle的声明自己“人拍这些人我大喊抓住它,拍我的照片,M16的开放,从我的眼角看到尸体坠落但我没有回头看看“Rovert海伯尔克拉克.


So let’s look at what these two categories are, in photography; The Key Concepts, David Bate describes documentary photography as “Telling a story with pictures, Documentary photography gave new life and social function, Documentary aimed to show in an informal way the everyday lives of ordinary people, to other ordinary people” -Â Bate, (2009, P45). This emerged as popular practise following the First World War, and began to develop through the 20th century, after the horrors of the First World War, more and more photographers went out and photographed everyday events happening to normal everyday people out in the streets, this social documentary work went on to dominate the early 20th century with people undertaking projects based on the after effects on war and how it changed the lives of everyday people’s lives forever, One such example would be the 1972 accidental napalm attack in the Vietnamese war, one of the most reproduced images of that time, Robert Haeberle’s “People about to be shot” which Clarke describes as “An anonymous war machine raining down napalm ‘accidentally’ on innocent children but such a narrative cannot deflect us from the presence of intense agony” – Clarke (1997, P160) By looking at this photo the reader is invited to feel all the emotions these children went through, screams, cries and sorrow, but the photographer is trying to invite the reader to understand that although we can see visually how horrible the events were, that there’s nothing more horrible than what the innocent subjects were going through, The Photographer Robert Haeberle’s statement himself “guys were about to shoot these people I yelled hold it and shot my pictures, M16’s opened up and from the corner of my eye I saw bodies falling but I did not turn to look” – Rovert Haeberle – Clarke,
